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The Golden Triangle in West Africa
Blox Has a Stake in Two World Class Gold Regions in Ghana.
Blox now has a stake in two of the most highly prospective gold areas in West Africa: the Kibi Belt in Ghana, the world-famous Ashanti Belt in Ghana (over 140-million ounces discovered to date in the Ashanti Belt).
Blox plans to develop its gold assets in each area to realize a multi-million ounce combined resource in the mid to long term.
Birim Region | Ghana
• Blox has prospecting licenses at Asamankese, Osenase and Pramkese.
• Proximal Properties: Xtra Gold concessions in the Kibi Belt – 400k Oz resources.
Ashanti Belt | Ghana
• Blox has invested in Ashanti Sankofa, Inc. which has concessions at Anuoro and Beposo with a combined resource of 300k Oz.
• Proximal Properties: Owere Mines’ Konongo mine lies directly to the North of Anuoro, the Oboum mine lies to the south of Beposo.

"Blox's investment into Ashanti Sankofa Inc. establishes our stake, and our strategic position, in the highly prospective
Ashanti Gold Belt Region."
Blox, Inc.
Ashanti Belt Investment
Blox, Inc. has taken a 9.76% position in Ashanti Sankofa, Inc. – a Canadian TSX.V listed company, which trades under the ticker symbol ASI. The investment was made to broaden the scope of our gold assets and take a stake in the historically highly prospective Ashanti Belt gold region.
ASI’s concessions are ideally located in the centre of the Ashanti Belt, below Konongo and above Oboum. Ashanti Sankofa, Inc.’s North Ashanti
Gold Project has two concessions: I) Anuoro – 65km2 – 97k Oz Gold, and II) Beposo – 33km2 – 229k Oz Gold.
ASI is currently negotiating with the Ghanaian Minerals Commission to reclaim the license for Beposo due to the government’s implementation of a non-economic zone around Lake Bosumtwe.

Ashanti Sankofa Gallery
Corporate Highlights
Blox, Inc. has taken a 9.76% position in Ashanti Sankofa, Inc. – a Canadian TSX.V listed company – strategically positioning the company in the Ashanti Belt gold region.
• Three concessions in the Birim Region within the productive Kibi-Winneba Gold Belt.
• All three concessions have occurrences of Gold and Diamonds.
• Recent pitting programs completed at all three concessions.
• Auger drilling program to follow.
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