Ghana Projects
• 65.6 square km area with Gold and
high grade Diamond occurrences in
the Birim region
• 148 square km area in the Birim Diamond Field. Contains both alluvial and hard rock
Diamond occurrences and alluvial Gold.
• 149.6 square km area with alluvial
Gold and Diamond occurrences. Western region overlaps Birim Diamond Field.

Fig. 8: Ghana, Africa: Blox Project Locations for Pramkese, Osenase and Asamankese.
The Birim region Kibi-Winneba Gold Belt has produced significant alluvial Gold and Diamonds since 1919. However, much of the Kibi-Winneba Gold
Belt still remains under developed and under explored to date. Blox, Inc. is currently in the renewal phases for the Pramkese, Osenanse, and Asamankese Properties.
Osenase shares a boundary with GCD Limited, Ghana, who have mined millions of Carats of Diamonds from their ground since 1929 (refer to Chevyrock Engineering, Atewa Range Kwabeng Project 2010, Xtra Gold, Kibi Project 2012, Birim Goldfields – Tinga Project, 2007, GCD historical records 1977).

Ghana Properties: Location Map, Concession blocks, Photo Gallery
The Pramkese concession is located approximately 10km South-East of the District Capital of Kade in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The concession is approximately 10km to the East of the town of Akwatia, a hub of alluvial Diamond mining activity. The area is located on Geological Survey Field Sheet 93, topographic sheet No 601c3, and lies between longitudes 0º45'W and 0º49'W and latitudes 6º04'N and 6º14'N, within the Kwaebibirim District Assembly, immediately east of the Birim River and covers an approximate area of 65.6 square kms.
Over the Birim concessions area lithological units are dominated by intercalated sequences of Birimian Volcanic and meta-sedimentary units, which have been intruded by significant occurrences of basin type granitoids. All units have undergone sustained weathering, degradation and oxidation. Locally it is the ultramafic or ultrabasic units that are believed to be the source of the majority of the alluvial diamonds found in the immediate district. Over the Pramkese area the local geological domain is dominated by intercalated sequences of Birimian Volcanic and meta-sedimentary units, which have to a lesser extent intruded by minor occurrences of basin type granitoids and ultrabasic lithologies.
The concession is located approximately 90km North-Northwest of Accra in the Birim Central Municipal Assembly, Eastern Region, Ghana. The general locality has a tropical climate with two seasons of rain, one from June to August and a second from October to November. The area is gently undulating with extensive flat areas. The lease covers part of the Birim River drainage.
The concession is to the South of the towns of Kade and Akwatia, a hub of alluvial Diamond mining activity. The area is situated within the geological field sheet No 57 and 58 in Birim Central Municipal Assembly of the Eastern Region. The concession lies between longitudes 0°43’24’’W and 0°50’30’’W and latitudes 5°25’50’’N and 5°55’00’’N.
The towns of Oda and Asamankese are the major centres in the locality of the licence area. They are serviced with electricity, hospital and telecommunications. The concession area has a gently undulating topography, incised by streams draining into the Birim River catchment. Vegetation is dominated by secondary forest re-growth.
Elevations range from 134m (above mean sea level) along the Birim River to 350m in the Southeast of the concession area. The topography is shallow and essentially controlled by surficial deposits of unconsolidated sediments. Access is good via sealed road from Accra through Asamankese and thereafter by sealed or graded all weather roads to the small towns in the concession area.
The Osenase concession is currently awaiting Ministerial approval.
Over the Birim concessions area lithological units are dominated by intercalated sequences of Birimian Volcanic and meta-sedimentary units which have been intruded by significant occurrences of basin type granitoids. In addition, and of particular interest, local over the Osenase area ultramafic units have been observed to occur as intermingling with local undifferentiated volcanic sequences. All units have undergone sustained weathering, degradation and oxidation. Locally it is the ultramafic or ultrabasic units that are believed to be the source of the majority of the alluvial diamonds found in the immediate district.
Further north the local geological domain is dominated by intercalated sequences of Birimian Volcanic and meta-sedimentary units, which have to a lesser extent intruded by minor occurrences of basin type granitoids and ultrabasic lithologies.
The World Bank undertook reduced to pole geophysics to assess the regional potential over the central zone of the Kibi-Winneba belt. The Diamond and Gold anomalism broadly coincides with local geophysical signatures. The World Bank also undertook magnetic and radiometric surveys over the belt. The Gold anomalism broadly clearly coincides with local high magnetic signature, whereas the Diamond anomalism coincides with radiometric lows.
The concession is located approximately 90km North-Northwest of Accra in the Birim South and West Akim District Assemblies, East of Akim Oda, Eastern Region. The concession is South of the towns of Kade and Akwatia, an epicentre of alluvial Diamond mining activity. It lies between longitudes 0°36’ and 0°55’ W and latitudes 5°51’ and 6°00’N.
The general locality has a tropical climate with two seasons of rain, one from June to August and a second from October to November. The area is gently undulating with extensive flat areas. The lease covers some major tributaries of the Birim River system. The towns of Oda and Asamankase are the major centres in the licence area, with sealed roads connecting them to Accra. From these centres access to other parts of the concession are via the main sealed roads, minor unsealed roads or non-vehicular tracks and paths.
The concession area has a gently undulating topography, incised by rivers and streams draining into the Birim River catchment. Vegetation is dominated by secondary forest regrowth. The topography is shallow and essentially controlled by surficial deposits of unconsolidated sediments.
The Asamankese concession is to the South of the Atewa hill known for its alluvial gold potential.
Over the Birim concessions area lithological units are dominated by intercalated sequences of Birimian Volcanic and meta-sedimentary units which have been intruded by significant occurrences of basin type granitoids. In addition, and of particular interest, local over the Osenase area ultramafic units have been observed to occur as intermingling with local undifferentiated volcanic sequences. All units have undergone sustained weathering, degradation and oxidation. Locally it is the ultramafic or ultrabasic units that are believed to be the source of the majority of the alluvial diamonds found in the immediate district.
Further north the local geological domain is dominated by intercalated sequences of Birimian Volcanic and meta-sedimentary units, which have to a lesser extent intruded by minor occurrences of basin type granitoids and ultrabasic lithologies.
Paramount Mining undertook a stream and soil survey to ascertain the extent to which the Kibi belt intersects the Asamankese concessions and found significant Gold anomalism.
The World Bank undertook reduced to pole geophysics to assess the regional potential over the central zone of the Kibi-Winneba belt. The Diamond and Gold anomalism broadly coincides with local geophysical signatures. The World Bank also undertook magnetic and radiometric surveys over the belt. The Gold anomalism broadly clearly coincides with local high magnetic signature, whereas the Diamond anomalism coincides with radiometric lows.